The public transportation workers’ union FENATRANO began a national strike on November 26, ahead of the general strike originally slated for November 27 in Santo Domingo to demand lower fuel prices and protest over economy-related grievances. Official reports indicate that while public transportation disruptions and transit delays occurred, the general strike failed to shut down commerce and other activities as intended. Moreover, the government’s transit authority INTRANT announced on November 28 it will tender several high demand passenger routes in Santo Domingo, including those now leased to FENATRANO, seemingly as a reprisal for the strike.
The strike on November 26-27 was the first general strike against president Danilo Medina. While FENATRANO’s boss Juan Hubieres warned that more protests are likely going forward, their impact will most likely be reduced by lack of support from their own sector. Antonio Marte, boss of the CONATRA, the largest transport union, publicly expressed himself against the strike, which he later labeled as a failure. Furthermore, Marte accused Juan Hubieres of discrediting public transport drivers with such measures.